Who we support

Corporate Relocation Services

Our team of Relocation Specialists will manage the relocation lifecycle from pre-decision orientation tours to home finding and settling in services.

Your organization's trusted source

We know the importance of creating a smooth and stress-free transition for your employees both for employee adjustment and satisfaction, but also to increases the chances of assignment success.  We understand relocation policies and offer as much or as little support as necessary, including program administration.  

How does a relocating employee determine the best neighborhoods and housing from afar or find the best schools? How are worries and concerns of the transferees and their families answered? 

New Roots can answer these questions and more.  We know the city and use only vetted realtors, movers, and suppliers to ensure a seamless move. Our team understands how to deliver an unparalleled level of service while also working within your company’s relocation policy and budget. No matter the size and needs of your corporate HR relocation services, our team of relocation and lifestyle consultants can handle every aspect of the preparation and transition for your employee and their family.

A dedicated relocation specialist acts as the employee’s personal guide, sounding board, and expert, providing vetted suppliers and continual support. This allows your employee to focus on their new role knowing their family is being supported in their transition.